jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Lost Buildings of the United States Part 1

Un Poco de Arquitectura que ya no esta y que marco hitos en la ciudades mas importantes de Estados Unidos.

At first, the "Singer Building" (1908) in New York City:

"Richfield Tower" (1928-1929) in Los Angeles

The "Masonic Temple" in Chicago (1891-1892)

The "New York World Building" (1889-1890)

The Larkin Building by Frank Lloyd Wright in Buffalo (1906)

Old Detriot City Hall:

New York times old building at Time Square

The Nasby Building in Toledo, Ohio. Completed in 1895 to a design by Edward Fallis 1895

The Wabash station in Pittsburgh.

The old Pontchartrain Hotel

The Majestic Theatre, New York City. Demolished in 1954

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